Sound Design
Forza Motorsport 6

The Audio Guys helped design the audio treatment for the Front End/Menus/GUI/Showcase Videos
Mystery Match

The Audio Guys created, designed and balanced all the sounds in the game
Twelve a Dozen

The Audio Guys created, designed and balanced all the ambiences and sound design in the game
We put it all together
Built from scratch
Audio Processing
Complex Surgery
Design & Implementation
Twisted Manor

The Audio Guys designed/created all audio ambiences and sounds to work within multiple, constantly evolving, spooky real-time audio systems within this Unity game
Designing the systems
Immersion is key
Version Control
Bespoke Recording
Being unique
Using the right equipment
Recording experiences
High resolution
Racing Games
FRZ Free Racing Zero

The Audio Guys supplied a selection of looped engine and exhaust assets to customer, along with continuous advice/answering questions on the game engine integration and vehicle/physics setup
Forza Motorsport 5

The Audio Guys worked with Turn10’s vast vehicle library and their superb real-time, in-game dev tools to create and refine many of the vehicle engine sounds in Forza Motorsport 5
Games, games and more games
Dialogue & Localisation
Age of Wonders 3

The Audio Guys did all actor/actress character research & casting, recording, voice direction and processing for all the main characters in the game
Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed

Overlord II

The Audio Guys did all actor/actress character research, casting, recording, direction (with Rhianna Pratchett), processing and localisation for all of the huge range of different creatures and characters in the game (>70 hours studio time)
Find your voice
The right direction
Speaking the right language
Plunder Pirates

The Audio Guys arranged all music briefs and music tests from various composers, and then worked closely with the chosen composer throughout the process ensuring all music tracks were delivered to spec and on time
Sonic Jump

The Audio Guys arranged music briefs and tests from various composers to achieve the correct “Sega / Sonic” style for the music tracks in the game. Managed the whole process and delivered all final music tracks

The Audio Guys composed various bespoke front end/menu music tracks and associated stems, designed and arranged real-time mixing/crossfading of individual music stems as the player navigates the menu systems in the game