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That’s right, we’ve been around now for six whole years and of course, we think that’s well worth celebrating. As you can see from our News and Blog, we’re keeping very busy, working on a wide variety of games and products. We’ve had a great year, and look forward to many more.

This year we’ve been as busy as ever, of course doing our fair share of working on engine and car audio – we’ve done a good few over the last year – Capcom’s MotoGP 2010/2011, Nascar: The Game, Sega Rally Online Arcade, Ridge Racer Unbounded and Microsoft’s Forza Motorsport 4, all of which have received excellent reviews. We’ve also just finished Wrecked Revenge Unvisited.


Of course, it hasn’t just been all fast-paced racing games though. We’ve done some puzzle games, such as MercuryHG and Tabletop Tanks, and also cute, but big, games such as Kinect Disneyland Adventures. We’ve also been busy on many iPhone and Android game, such as NaturalMotion’s My Horse, NFL Rivals, Icebreaker, and many more. With all these games we always work hard with the dev teams to help make sure you get the best audio experience possible on each platform!

My Horse Screenshot
NFL Rivals Screenshot

We continue our work on games for the iPhone App store/Android Marketplace and for Kinect/Move, and we’ve also been busy working on various titles for the new PSVita.

We’re still working on some big (top secret) AAA titles and we promise you there’s plenty more to come in the next year. As always, just keep on listening.

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